How to make beauty moon water

One of the most beautiful days of the month for a Jewish woman is Rosh Hodesh, a day free of chores and a day in which women used to get together and spend time sharing stories, learning or dedicated to physical health. According to the ancient tradition, Rosh Hodesh was given to women after the incident of the golden calf. When the men called in the women so that they could participate, the women say: no thanks. And thus, a day of rest and relaxation. Although is not as widespread today, there are some women rescuing the tradition and creating women's circle. We are proudly hosting our first women's circle for Rosh Hodesh (full moon) on the 8th of November at 7:00pm. Please RSVP here.
If you can't make it, there are a myriad of ways to connect to your inner divine feminine on this new moon, continue reading for my ritual, but feel free to create your own special ritual.
The last moon is a Scorpio Moon in the Gregorian calendar. A moon of protection, release, cleaning, empathy and transformation. In the torah, there's a story about Abraham offering strangers water, a piece of bread and some rest in his tent before heading to their destinies. As a moon of empathy, ask yourselves how can we be more empathic to ourselves and others?
This moon is very much connected to the sacral chakra, which is related to creativity and birth.
Our Full Moon Ritual:
- Avoid chores
- White objects and clothes
- A great time to meet other women, have deep conversations and learning.
- Bathe in Moonlight
- Crystal Charging
- Write down bad habits and burn them
- Make moon water
- Mikveh if that time of the month (the days before or after works)
- Write down your desires in present tense
Use our moldboard for inspiration, we can always connect to our feminine energy, but the full moon offers a special moment to do it with more intention and perspective.

Our Full Moon Ritual Essentials:
- Chakra tonic water (Our favorites: Rose Quartz, Amethyst & Citrine)
- Scalloped moonlight dress
- Moon & Star earrings
- Mini Ritz Dress